Know Your Voice CD - £20.00

The 'Know Your Voice' CD is a clear and easy to follow explanation of singing technique with demonstrations and exercises for each aspect of producing the voice.

Suitable for beginners as well as more experienced singers.

Know Your Voice CD

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1. Posture - How to stand - 1:36

2. Breathing - 2:39

3. Opening up the Voice - 0:53

4. Placing the voice - 3:35

5. Forming vowel sounds - 4:45 Sound clip button

6. Resonance - Improving tone quality - 2:14

7. More Warm up - 5:19

8. Agility - 3:13

9. Improving full tone - 2:54 Sound clip button

10. Working on the high notes and more agility - 2:09

11. Working on lower and middle notes - 2:54

12. Starting and ending notes - 2:50

13. Getting louder and softer - 2:48 Sound clip button

14. Combining vowels and consonants - 4:20

15. Mixed vowel Sounds - 0:20